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Updated 3 years ago
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We recommend building the Echomaster around a backstay. This may not always be the best “catch rain” position, but it sure gets it out of the way. If you want to hoist it to the spreader, try a short…
Updated 5 years ago
The Tilt tube has a different thread.
The Cable Buddy and Lube II work on all outboard steering cables. They’ll fit all major U.S. and foreign motors (7/8" x 14 pitch threads) except Mercury motors.
No, the wind must be directed at the backside of the TurboMeter. This is the side opposite the digital readout.
Not all motors have a locking nut on the steering rod side of the tilt tube. You don't need a locking nut to install Lube II. However if you want one you can buy a stainless steel or aluminum nut fro…
The Queaz-Away Wristbands exert gentle pressure at points on each wrist to minimize or eliminate the miserable effects of travel. They are safe and easy to use. Simply slip on your wrists, position a…
Both the deluxe and standard Echomaster meet US Coast Guard requirements for lifeboat and life raft radar reflectors under SOLAS 74/83.
Boats up to 26 feet need three Rocker Stoppers on each side. Boats 27 to 36 feet require four on each side. Use five Rocker Stoppers for boats 37 to 42 feet and six on each side for boats 43 to 50 fe…
If you troll much faster than 2 MPH the Fish Seeker will develop “Speed wobbles”, turbulence and eventually flip over and try to come to the surface. The Fish Seeker is designed for a low trolling sp…
Updated 6 years ago
You do not want anything on the line that wobbles or has a lot of drag. A lot of drag will make the Fish Seeker flip over as if a fish were on the line.
The advantages are better fuel mileage, faster out-of-the-hole times, less bow rise, slower planing speeds, better turning and rough water control.
The lighter plug receptacle polarity is probably reversed. This defeats the photo cell and limits the current powering the bulb. Simply switch the wires entering to the receptacle.
Yes Slick Seam will work well in this application. Slick Seam adheres best if the gap is deeper than it is wide. Apply Slick Seam with a plastic putty knife and clean up with mineral spirits for best…
Yes, the hardware is stainless steel.
Your WindTrak 15 should be balanced from the factory. If you think it is not we recommend you send it back to us for adjustment. If you would like to check it yourself you should do the following: si…
As a rule of thumb centered over the propeller is best. On some motors this is not possible. You want both fin halves equally spaced fore and aft on the cavitation plate, SO THAT they are not pitched…
You read degrees at the zero where the arm with the zero lines up with a degree mark. To read minutes, you simply find the two lines, one on the arm and one on the sextant body, that most match each…
If you hang a Mega-Light from an insulated backstay wire used as a single side band radio antenna, the circuit will be damaged if the light is on during radio transmission. You need to unplug or move…
The affect on top speed is minimal. Most people do not notice a drop off in top end speed. Some customers have noticed a 2% drop.
We have never seen the electrolysis cause a major problem. It might if your outdrive were immersed in salt water all the time, but since most people trailer their boats or lift the outdrive in the sl…
The button should rest three fingers width below your wrist seam and in between the two central flexor tendons.
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