How do I start uploading my data to - (FAQ)

Once you have installed your data collection device and downloaded the WeatherLink Computer Software, you'll need to set up uploads. Here's how to do it:

  1. On your page, click the green Add Devices button at the top of the page. (Choose Data Logger for WeatherLink USB or WeatherLink Serial.)
  2. Click Install and follow the prompts to set up your device. When done, your station’s Device ID and Key will be displayed. Make a note of these.
  3. In the WeatherLink Computer Software, open WeatherLink Network from the Setup Menu. Enter the Device ID and Key.
  4. If you have a Serial or USB data logger, don’t forget to leave your computer on with the software running 24/7 for continuous uploads.
  5. Be sure to get the WeatherLink mobile app so you can see your data wherever you are. Search the iOS and Android stores for Davis WeatherLink.

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